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Love for God, our children, and each other.
Trust between parents, children, & Teachers.
Compassion to put children first. Always.
Loyalty to each other each and every day.
Excellence that goes above and beyond.
Office Staff

Olivia Ferguson
Administrative Director

Christin Rushing
Assistant Director
Billing/CCDF Managment
Julia Stewart
Assistant Director
HR/Staff Management
Maggie Stewart
Office Assistant
Critical Development Department
Lauren Criswell
C0: Lead Infant Teacher

Hope Kemerly
C1: Lead Teacher
Jennifer Carter
C2: Lead Toddler Teacher

Cheryl Williamson
C2: Assistant Toddler Teacher
Sarah Harker
C3:Lead Twos Teacher
Primary Childhood Department

Courtney Moulton
P1: 2.5's Lead Teacher

Amber Kemerly
P5: 4-5's Lead Teacher
Madison Veach
P3: 3's Lead Teacher
Mikayla Fisher
P4: 3.5-4's Lead teacher

Tonie Buck
P4: 3.5-4's Assistant teacher
(School age) Education Department ->

Mariah Smith
E2: School Age Lead Teacher
Preschool Department

Cheryl Farmer
K4: Adventurers
Lead Fours Teacher

Heather Hatcher
Happy Campers
Lead Fours Teacher

Christina Quinn
Preschool Assistant

Sabrina Toffolo
K3: Busy Bees
Lead Threes Teacher

Amber Kemerly
K4: Rainforest Explorers
Lead Fours Teacher
Other Positions

Kenneth Rushing
Kitchen Manager
Sierra Zeleski

Grace Stroud
Substitute Teacher
Kevin Kellogg
Kitchen Assistant Manager/CACFP Specialist

Lindsey Holt

Lauren Stroud
Substitute Teacher

Connie Orr
Kitchen Assistant

Melanie Martindale
Substitute Teacher
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